MCC Community Meeting 10.11.16



Ventura Police Department

Terry Medina, Watch Commander
Desk line (805)339-4325
24 years of experience including undercover narcotics and detective work for property and street crimes

Criminal activities during the past 30 Days (as of 10.11.16) in Montalvo area:
7 Property thefts from vehicles-  Most vehicles were left unlocked
3 Auto thefts-   At least one vehicle had keys left in car
1 Assault-  At the carwash on Seahawk
1 Homicide-  At the business centre on the south end of Alameda, all subjects currently in custody
1 Search warrant served-  Related to an August stabbing homicide on Whipporwill

There are only 6 officers on duty at any given time for the whole of Ventura City.  Measure O on your November ballot is a 0.5% sales tax meant to address clean water/beaches/street repairs/safety measures.  If it passes, the police force will be able to increase the number of officers available.


-Please report any suspicious activity to the non emergency line as often as needed
(805) 650-8010
-If you have issues with people living in vehicles or storage units near your home report to Ventura PD and call Code Enforcement
(805) 658-4711
-If a person comes to your home claiming to be a salesperson ask to see their city ID, as it is required that they have one if they are legitimate
-Join Nextdoor Montalvo and make reports.  This site facilitates neighborhood watch.


Ventura Water

Joe McDermott

Ventura is in its 5th year of drought.  We do not receive water from the state, but maintain our own supply at Lake Casitas (30%), Ventura River (30%) and through ground water (30%).  We are currently in stage 3, which requires a 20% reduction in water use.  

Until February of 2016 Montalvo operated an independent water treatment facility.  That plant will be demolished in the near future, and all residences in our neighborhood are now on the Ventura Water grid for sewer.  When we were an unincorporated section of the city we only paid the city for water, while our sewer bill was incorporated into our property taxes.  By July of 2018 our Ventura Water bill will look like all others in the city, and will contain both water and sewer fees.  You can expect your Ventura Water bill to approximately double what you’re currently paying.

One important tip was shared: Your water rate is determined by the average use of water from December 1 – March 31.  After April 1 your rate is set for the remainder of the year, and won’t be calculated again until December.

If you’d like to lower your water bill, you should consider removing your grass and replacing with drought tolerant plants.  There is  $2 per square foot reimbursement program.  Check it out at

Get Out the Vote


Tuesday, November 8, 2016 is election day!  As we, your MCC, continue in our efforts to protect Montalvo, it’s important that we have a City Council that is supportive of our mission.  Please get to know the candidates and be sure to vote!

You can find out more about the candidates by reading their answers to a VC Star questionnaire here

or watching this forum:

Description of candidates in 20 words or less can be found at 0:04:00
Two minute summary statements by each candidate can be found at 1:10:00