Save Our Montalvo!


The MCC is very pleased to announce that on Monday, 9/12/16, the Ventura City Council voted to “incorporate MCC recommendations” into the General Plan refinement.  All of our requests will be granted.  We could not be more pleased with this outcome.  After years of negotiating, countless hours of work, and much compromise, the agreement that has been met between the City Planners and the MCC will insure that our historic single family neighborhood will be protected from overdevelopment.

You can see your neighbors address the Council on this video at 4:13:00 and 4:40:00.

To learn more about our recommendations, read the full letter submitted by the MCC here:
Montalvo General Plan Refinement Form Letter 08-18-16 FINAL DRAFT

cityhallThe City Council will meet on Monday, September 12 to review the final draft of the General Plan.  Our neighborhood has the potential to be greatly impacted.  You can read more details here, and in older posts on this blog.  If you’d like to protect Montalvo from further “over-development,” please email the City Council at

Your email might look something like this:

As a resident of Montalvo I would like to express my concerns about several issues in the new City of Ventura General Plan.  I am very apprehensive about the possibility of a 45+ foot building looming over my home, and shading my yard and house.  A building that tall would be out of scale for our neighborhood, and would feel overwhelming and invasive. Any limitations that can be put in place to limit the height of new construction would be greatly appreciated.  Also, regarding the industrial and commercial zones in our neighborhood, I would like to request exclusions for Adult Oriented Businesses, Hazardous Waste facilities, or any type of business that generates excessive noise or harmful fumes to the neighboring residents.  Montalvo is a beautiful community, with charming 1950s homes.  I ask that the City Council make every effort to protect our historic neighborhood.